Do you want to leverage your Big Data but don’t have the financial capacity?
Are cloud-based managed Big Data services too expensive for you?
The price of Big Data distribution licenses makes you dizzy?
Do you have legislative issues with loading your operational data into the cloud?
Internet connection not always stable in your country to have a stable cloud service!
Do you want to try a Big Data lab On-Premise before investing?
Want to upskill your team as you transition to a Big Data platform?
Do you have heterogeneous structured/semi-structured/unstructured Big data to leverage?

Dr Heni Bouhamed, ZettaSpark Co-Product-Owner:
« ZettaSpark was launched to find solutions to all these problems according to the needs of each company!
With ZettaSpark, we aim to democratize the implementation of Big Data platforms for everyone, whatever the circumstances!
Small/medium/large companies, universities, research laboratories, research and development units can take advantage of ZettaSpark at their own pace and according to their financial capacities! »

Three packages and it’s up to you to choose and start at your convenience!
1) Open source test distribution: Multi-node Hadoop cluster distribution with Hive data warehouse and Spark distributed engine!
2) Free ware distribution: Multi-node Hadoop cluster distribution with Hive data warehouse, Spark distributed engine, Nosql Hbase database,
Kafka/Flume/Sqoop data ingestion tools and many other tools from the ecosystem!
3) Customized commercial distribution with business applications (finance, marketing, telecom), high availability of the different tools, cluster security via kerberos and a remote backup/recovery system!